Irish got adopted!

In my last post I had a picture captioned “when Irish eyes are smiling”.  I had taken pictures of him during a training session and they helped get him noticed and led to his adoption.  That just makes my day!

So here are some pictures that I took yesterday of Maddie, another horse looking for a home.

About krazycatlady

I used to work with one group rescuing cats and blogged about being a cat lady. Now I help out mulitple rescues and blog about that. But I still consider myself to be a crazy cat lady!
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2 Responses to Irish got adopted!

  1. KerryAnn May says:

    Hey fellow crazy cat lady! If you need help changing your header, shout back at me! I can help with that:!

    It’s super easy once I show you how! You can easily change the header as often as you like…maybe an adoptable cat/dog each month?

  2. krazycatlady says:

    Actually I figured it out – the sunset picture is one of mine! But thanks!

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